
You’re here! Thank you so much for being willing to make a difference in the world of clean writing. Any kind of support shown below is appreciated!

Buy the Book

Not only do funds raised from book sales for Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Chaos, support the Author; but 20% of the proceeds from every single copy sold will go towards the GLW Well Project. The Project has been set up to raise money for digging and installing a freshwater well in a third-world country.


Patreon is a platform for fans to support their creaters with monthly subscriptions. By support Green Leaf Writing with the amount of $3 monthly, you’re signing up to receive Exclusive Content and have the right to vote for which story you want the Author to focus on.


Give via Mail

The Author strives to produce clean content for everyone out there. He is a father of 2 and the sole bread-winner for his family. Writing is his hobby and his passion. All shows of support, whether monetary or community based are encouraging to him! If you feel led to, you are able to send Elijah a gift via mail.

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