To Be Frank

To Be Frank is a comical, first-person short story written from the perspective of Dara Torres. In this romance, we get to observe the strange behaviours of her coworker Frank from her view as she falls in love with him. A guaranteed laugh is heading your way if you’ve decided to read this sweet story!

Entry 1: Frank Is Simple

My name is Dara Torres and this is the story about a guy and me. It’s a simple story about a simple man with a simple life. He has a simple job, a simple home, and a simple car. To those at his work; he is a simple coworker. He is simple. His name is Frank.

Entry 2: Frank Is Sweet

Frank has always been, for the most part, alone in his world. Growing up, he had an older sister by over a decade and his parents. During high school, Frank didn’t play sports, he wasn’t the class clown, or an A-plus student. Frank wasn’t…

Entry 3: Frank Is Loveable

As a child, Frank never had any special toys or interests. He never collected bugs or wanted to go swimming or had any goals for himself. He rarely spoke and never really laughed. Frank’s parents often would try to find new ways to…

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