

For an anxious, over-stressed mother trying to raise her seven-year-old daughter by herself, having her daughter taken was the worst thing that could happen to her. Join HEATHER as she desperately attempts to find her daughter forcing her to swallow her pride and declare an Amber Alert.

This is the 1st story in the “Works of Fiction by Elijah Buchan” compilation.

Scene 1

The Unthinkable

Heather was a regular mom in her own eyes. In the eyes of most, she’d be considered a stressed mom. A tired mom. An unusually quiet mom. As if she were catching up on sleep in any minute she could. And most could see this because her husband was oversees as a marine fighting a war that, she thought, wasn’t hers.

Scene 2

The Alert

There really isn’t much out there that could have prepared Heather for this time. Her head was clear, worried, but clear. Until they declared Emily’s disappearance as an Amber Alert. The police arrived, canvased the immediate area, and checked the school’s security footage. Heather was privileged to watch the fuzzy, poorly coloured video next to…

Click the image to read the 2nd story in the "Works of Fiction by Elijah Buchan" compilation: "The Godmother."