

Follow the intriguing story about friendship and responsibility. A young boy discovers an alien in his small town. This alien is unlike anything he’s ever seen in the movies: it’s just an orb! A floating, glowing, green orb and it becomes his best friend. Naturally, having an alien as a friend has advantages and disadvantages. Be amazed by the artwork on each page (hopefully to come soon with your help) and fall in love with this small story that will have a big impact on you.

Orb is a Sci-Fi Children’s Story written exclusively for the students of Calvin Christian School! Use the password given to you to continue reading the second chapter!

This story is rated “G” and is suitable for readers of all ages. There are elements of bullying, however this is shown in a negative context and not encouraged.

Chapter 1

Theo was a typical nine-year-old kid. He liked to read, liked coming home from school, and liked to play soccer. But Theo had a problem: he didn’t have any friends. 

One night, when the sky was black and the stars were bright, he looked out his window, as he normally did before bedtime, and to his wonder, he saw a ball of fire fall from the sky. He popped up off the stool he sat on and pressed his forehead against the window. The ball of fire got bigger and closer as it fell. 

Chapter 2

“What else could it be?” Mom asked as she looked intently at Theo. Theo held out the Orb. “Show them,” he said. The Orb looked into Theo’s eyes and trusted him. In between Theo’s two hands, the Orb changed from its black and white pattern to its normal green glow. Mom and Dad gasped. And then Theo let go of the Orb and it floated.

“What is it?” Dad asked. “I found it in the forest. It’s what fell from the sky last week,” Theo said with his head hung. “It’s… it’s?” Mom couldn’t find any words. “It’s an…

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