The Goal

A creative community

Writers, artists, photographers, composers… whatever your creative outlet is, it’s important to have a place to express it.
Nuture your talent and you’ll find your talent will nuture you.

Green Leaf Writing will one day be home to the imaginations of hundreds of authors and artists who want to reach more people with their creative expressions.

At this time in GLW’s journey, we have a desperate need for artwork! Every chapter and every story has the opportunity to bear an original image that represents it’s contents individuality.

Artists… Treat as an opportunity to express yourself creatively and build for yourself a fan base. We’ll make a separate page to profile you as an artist, feature the work you’ve done for GLW and link to a social media platform! Click here to get started!

Writers… Please read The Content portion of our website. If you feel your story aligns with those standards. You could have place in GLW. At this time and due to time constraints, The Author is looking to develop his own stories and content. Thus, for the time being, GLW will only feature his stories. If you do, however, have a short story that meets the GLW standards, please submit it throught the Contact Us page. We’ll read it at our earliest chance and contact you regarding how we can proceed together.

Stick around Writers! Eventually you will see a sign-in portion of GLW wherein you can submit your own content, subscribe specifically to individual stories, chat with other users and possibly join in on a shared story writing experience!

Check out "The Arts" page to see the work from our Arists!