The Faith

Weclome to Green Leaf Writing Faith! Here you’ll be able to learn about the Author’s Faith and exclusively view posts, articles, and stories only found on this site! contains many stories that include an element of Faith, but here at the Faith page, everything is saturated in the goodness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Read articles related to matters concerning the Church. And coming very soon, read stories that will uplift your spirit and help explain some truths to children that are sometimes hard to understand.

Recent Faith Articles

The Walls Came Crumbling Down… PART 2

…God is good. On January 26th, 2020 I published “Even If The Healing Doesn’t Come…” where we discussed why we can trust God in the hardest times. And then on April 23rd, 2020, I published “New Wind” where we discussed how to bounce back after a hard blow to the faith. And finally, on June … Continue reading “The Walls Came Crumbling Down… PART 2”

I Thought By Now… PART 1

“Walking around these walls… I thought by now they’d fall… but…”   These are the opening words to Elevation Worship’s  song, “Do It Again.” Do you know what the next part is? If not, it’ll just be a few more paragraphs until I tell you! Alright, you know that my son, Micah, has/had Kawasaki Disease. … Continue reading “I Thought By Now… PART 1”

New Wind

We need new wind. What do I mean? We’ve all heard or read this verse before:   “Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they … Continue reading “New Wind”

We need you!

The Author has a lot of Children’s Stories that remain unwritten and unpublished because he wishes to partner with an Artist who shares his love for the gospel and for stories. If you feel a tug on your heart to partner with GLW in creating art for Children’s Books, click here.