Recent Events: 2020

April 15th

This is a preview for the first song in the musical short story, “Old Dusty Pine” by Elijah Buchan. Sick Heart River is inspired by the last novel written by John Buchan.

April 8th

The next installment of Reading Time with Elijah is here! The 3rd scene of the 1st chapter of Chaos!

April 1st

HUGE COVID-19 ANNOUNCEMENT: Everything is here…

March 31st

The first chilling and interestingly timely Entry for Patient Zero, written by aspiring journalist JJ Cooper, is here…

March 21st

Political unrest builds as Bessai begins to understand the primary and secondary purpose of the mission.

March 14th

The second scene of the first chapter of the epic fantasy story, Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Chaos, has been launched for Reading Time!

March 9th

Heather has a panic attack; he daughter is still missing! She meets a detective who calls in a favour from some familiar folks to fans of Green Leaf Writing…

March 1st

Driving Time for the Month of March promises a fun-filled month for Green Leaf Writing!

February 29th

The challenging and encouraging Faith Article: Don’t Let The Old Man Back In was released to help us along the road of faith

February 14th

Happy Valentine’s Day! The short story The Godmother was released today… but it is no romance story. Check it out!

February 10th

A Winnipeg radio station wrote an article based off of an interview with CHVN’s Gabrielle Taylor and Elijah Buchan featuring our mission statement: “clean content”

February 6th

The first chapter of the Children’s Story “Orb” was read to eight classes in an elementary school in Winnipeg.

February 1st

Driving Time for the Month of February announces an exciting opportunity coming up on February 6th!

January 26th

Elijah and his wife, Victoria, talk about their experience with Kawasaki Disease for Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day: January 26th, 2020

January 19th

Elijah introduces a new feature: Reading Time. This first video features the first scene of the first chapter of Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Chaos.

January 18th

The first chapter of the second book in the Kingdoms Saga is released! Kingdoms: The Kingdom of Peace starts us off with a brand new character.

January 18th

Green Leaf Writing is on YouTube! Watch Elijah as he introduces the channel and what can be expected from it.