Artwork Wanted!

Here at, Artwork is huge! We want every single chapter and every story to have original artwork* produced by talented creators.

There are no prereqresuites, no commissions, no complications – just an opportunity for you to share your talent.

*by submitting your artwork below, you hereby authorize (GLW) and The Author to use, share, and distribute via social media platforms, the below artwork. All submissions must be original work and have proof of creation. All submissions must be accompanied by a picture taken of the artwork in it’s raw form, along with the artwork saved in JPEG or PNG format. GLW will provide a page on the website (The Gallery) for artists who have contributed to the beauty of GLW’s content along with a link to a social media platform; providing the profile contains no subject matter contrary to the standards spelled out in The Content. No sales will be performed of the artwork. The Artist also understands that by submitting their artwork to GLW, the risk lies for pirates to plagerize the work. This very risk applies to The Author as well. As creators, we are protected by the Intellectual Property Copyrights Act and are able to pursue prosecution should an plagerism occur of any content on